Investing Insights for Investors


Investing Insights for Investors


This workshop provides some key insights into managing your investment portfolio.  You will learn how to write an Investment Policy Statement tailored to your financial goals, starting with a risk profiling questionnaire.  You will also learn how to evaluate Unit Trusts and ETFs, get insights into basic fundamental and technical analysis, Robo Advisors, understand why regulations matter to you and how FIDReC is able to help investors resolve disputes with financial institutions.


  • Assessing your risk profile
  • Writing your investment policy statement
  • Asset allocation and the life cycle of investing
  • Evaluating Unit Trusts & ETFs
  • Stocks – Intrinsic Valuation, Technical Analysis
  • Reviewing and Rebalancing your portfolio regularly
  • Robo Advisors
  • Regulated Investment Products, Financial Advisors, Accredited Investors and FIDREC


Suitable for those who have started their investing journey.  For participants who are new to investing, we recommend that they first attend our sessions on Introduction to Personal Investing, Considerations When Investing or Basics of Personal Investing.


1.5 hours

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