Is The Deal Too Good
To Be True?

WORKSHOP | Consumer Protection

Is The Deal Too Good To Be True?

Learn to identify types of unregulated investment schemes and possible scams. Learn about unfair sales practices and your rights under the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act (CPFTA) and the Lemon Law. This workshop will also cover the lease, sale and purchase of property, the role of the Council for Estate Agencies (CEA) and the role of Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre (FIDReC).

• Scams such as Online Scams, Phishing and Money Mule
• Unregulated Investment Schemes such as land and crop schemes, gold buyback and virtual currencies
• Role of Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE)
• Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre (FIDReC)
• Council for Estate Agencies (CEA)
• Lemon Law
• Investor Alert List on the MAS Portal

• Anyone who want to know the types of scams and unregulated investment schemes and how people fall for them. Those who want to learn about the CPFTA, Lemon Law and avenues to seek recourse for victims of unfair business practices.

3 Hours


Other Related Topics

• Is The Deal Too Good To Be True?

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