My Healthcare and Retirement

– Essentials for Self-Employed Persons

ACTIVITY-BASED WORKSHOP | Money Management and Financial Planning

My Healthcare and Retirement – Essentials for Self-Employed Persons (SEPs)


This module aims to encourage self-employed persons to build their savings to ensure that their long-term health care needs are met, to have the right types and amounts of insurance coverage and to motivate them to begin early to plan for retirement by leveraging on their CPF. It will also inform them of government financial support for lower income workers (including platform workers) as well as support for skills upgrading and resource to help those considering potential transition to salaried employment.


  • Savings for Your Healthcare Cost
  • Government Support
  • Ensuring Adequate Protection
  • Planning Early for Retirement
  • Skills Upgrading / Career Advisory


Self-employed persons including platform workers keen to find out if they are adequately prepared for their future healthcare and retirement needs as well as where government support may be able to assist them, if their income is low during their periods of self-employment.  


1.5 hrs

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