Money Management
Making Sense Of Your Money
Learn to set S.M.A.R.T. financial goals and calculate how much you need for each goal. Learn how to develop a budget to track your spending and build savings. You will also understand how compound interest can impact your savings and borrowing, and what to look out for when buying on instalment.
Financial Planning Begins Now
Learn how to build a financial plan using savings, insurance and investments to achieve your goals. Assess your financial position through analysis of your cashflow, net worth and financial ratios.
Financial Planning For The Self-Employed
This module aims to teach participants how to measure their financial fitness, draw up a budget, manage their healthcare costs and plan early for their retirement.
Basics of Money Management
This workshop is conducted specially for low-wage workers. Participants are taught how to track their spending and to stretch their dollar. They will also learn the importance of savings and budgeting, and the basic CPF Insurance schemes.
Understanding Loans And Credit
Assess if you are borrowing too much. Discover the common types of loans and their associated costs. Learn to manage your borrowing and to resolve debt issues.
Digital Financial Literacy
Learn the importance of digital financial literacy and how digital financial tools can help you to make better financial decisions.
Understanding Life Insurance
Learn how to assess your life insurance needs. Understand the feastures of the various types of life insurance policies which are term, whole life, endowment and investment-linked policies. Find out about Direct Purchase Insurance (DPI) and learn how to use online portal compareFIRST to compare and select life insurance products.
Understanding Basic Health Insurance
Learn about the various types of health insurance policies and the meaning of common terms such as policy limits, exclusions and deductibles. Find out about the CPF schemes that provide basic health insurance cover such as MediShield Life, ElderShield and CareShield Life.
Planning For Long Term Care
This workshop covers costs and care options for families with members who need long term care. Also covered are funding sources such as Government subsidies, CareShield Life and long-term care financing support schemes. Participants will also learn about Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA).
Do I Need Every Type of Insurance?
Learn how to assess your insurance needs and determine if there is a shortfall. Understand the features of various types of insurance policies to better meet your needs.
Introduction To Personal Investing
Learn basic concepts and considerations when investing. Understand the features and risks of common financial products. You will also learn about investment strategies and how to construct an investment portfolio based on your financial needs and risk appetite.
Understanding Bonds
Learn about types of bonds, their features and benefits and risks of bond investing. Understand credit ratings, the relationship between bond prices, interest rates and yields and learn about the Singapore Savings Bonds.
Fundamentals Of Share Investing
Understand the different strategies for investing in shares and how to screen companies using their financial statements. Learn the different approaches to valuing shares for example Price-Earnings and Dividend Discount Models.
Understanding Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
Understand the types of REITs and their benefits and risks. Learn about factors to consider when investing in REITs such as how REITs can be valued and what affects their performance. Also learn how to select a REIT.
Financial Habits And Behaviour
Understand why we take mental shortcuts in our thinking and decision-making and how it affects our financial planning. Learn how we can mitigate the effects of mental short cuts and how our minds can hinder or help in investment decisions and money management.
Building Your Nest Egg
Learn the basic steps in retirement planning. The content includes the use of retirement calculators to determine your retirement income needs. Also learn the options for dealing with projected shortfalls and for building your retirement income.
Managing CPF Money For Your Retirement
How does CPF prepare you for retirement? How much do you want your payout to be? Will you outlive your savings? This module will answer these questions. You will gain a better understanding of how CPF works, what happens at age 55 and the various CPF Life plans available at age 65. You will also learn about the CPF nomination schemes.
Enrich Your Golden Years
Learn how to plan your finances during your retirement years to ensure that your desired lifestyle can be sustained. Understand how CPF prepares you for retirement, options to supplement CPF Life payouts and the importance of health insurance.
Introduction To Estate Planning
Understand the purpose, importance, considerations and ways of distributing your assets according to your wishes. Also covered is distribution according to the Intestate Succession Act. You will also learn about wills, nominations, trusts and the Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA).
Planning for Retirement
Learn how to prepare yourself for a comfortable retirement. Understand the basics of retirement planning and factors you need to consider when planning your retirement. Learn how to build your retirement fund through CPF and investing and protect your healthcare needs through insurance. Know how you can plan ahead with CPF nominations and the Lasting Power of Attorney.
Is The Deal Too Good To Be True?
Learn to identify types of unregulated investment schemes and possible scams. Learn about unfair sales practices and your rights under the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act (CPFTA) and the Lemon Law. This workshop will also cover the lease, sale and purchase of property, the role of the Council for Estate Agencies (CEA) and the role of Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre (FIDReC).
Buying A Home Within Your Means
This module addresses the following questions: Why do people want to buy a home? What are their housing options? And how should they go about it?
Starting A Family
Learn how to plan your finances as a couple and how to budget for your first home, expenses when having children and taking care of medical needs. Also find out about available government subsidies, leave schemes and tax benefits for parents.
MoneySense For Your Child
This module aims to teach participants the importance of inculcating good financial habits from young. It covers ways that can help to give children money sense such as teaching and modelling healthy financial habits and budgeting.
Financial Planning For Couples
Learn how to draw up a financial plan as a couple and take steps to ensure your family is in good financial health by saving, having sufficient insurance and investing. You will also be taught how to budget for your new home and to plan ahead by making a Lasting Power Attorney (LPA) and CPF Nomination.
Financial Planning For Families With Special Needs
Learn how to assess the amount needed for families with special needs members. If there is a shortfall after taking into account their current resources, participants are taught how to close the gap. They also learn the basics of estate planning.
Financial Planning For Employees In Transition
This module is for employees who are being and/or have been retrenched. Learn about financial planning and how to review your current financial position. Learn how to manage your finances by reviewing your spending and setting a budget. Also, learn how to avoid and reduce debt.
Financial Planning For The Self-Employed
This module aims to help the self-employed person take account of unique challenges to their financial planning and how understanding important principles will enable them to plan better in order to achieve their financial goals. Participants will learn how to measure their financial fitness, set up a robust budget, boost savings to meet their healthcare costs, obtain support from government, take stock of their insurance adequacy and plan for retirement while continuing to deepen their skills.